Goods Delivered To You
You may cancel your order (or any part of it) for any reason before delivery or within 14 days after delivery by getting in contact with us, either by phone or email. You need not disclose the reason for return. The return should arrive to us within 14 days after delivery.
If the goods have been dispatched or delivered then there will be relevant postage and a restocking fee.
This is subject to the following conditions:
Damaged Goods
Although breakages are rare, but sometimes they can happen during transit and therefore please allow 3-5% of breakage to be on the safe side.
Please do not fit any damaged goods, as we will be unable to replace or refund damaged items which have been installed. If the product delivered to you is damaged or faulty, we may replace or refund as appropriate in accordance with your legal rights.
Kindly inspect the products for any damages thoroughly before signing for them during delivery. If you can see some of the delivery has arrived damaged, we ask you to sign for it as "damaged" on arrival. Unfortunately, breakages can happen and we will send out replacements as soon as we can, subject to below conditions:
Please keep all damaged items and we may need to arrange collection of damaged slabs for inspection in order to get a claim from insurers.